Who: Rising leaders and changemakers between the ages of 22-40
Where: Hub membership is available for those who live in the Hub HQ city areas:
- Washington, DC
- Providence, RI
- Phoenix, AZ
Why: Scale up in your career, improve your community, make connections in your region, and deepen your understanding of today's biggest issues

Are you ready to make an impact?
Capital Area Hub
Or a one-time annual payment of $250.
Available for those who live in the Washington, DC, area.
Plus: get exclusive access to the AF-HQ coworking space in DC.
Northeast Hub
Or a one-time annual payment of $250.
Available for those who live in the Providence, RI, area.
Southwest Hub
Or a one-time annual payment of $250.
Available for those who live in the Phoenix AZ, area.
Attend exclusive events in your city
Hub Memberships are available for $25/month OR $250/year (which equals two free months!) and include:
- Discounted or free tickets to public Hub events and workshops
- Free access to exclusive members-only Hub events
- Connections with like-minded changemakers and influential leaders in your area
- PLUS all of the benefits of National Membership
Perks, Benefits, and Opportunities
Your Hub Membership INCLUDES the National Membership, which unlocks a host of opportunities and benefits specifically built to help you unleash your full change-making potential – in your career, in your life, in your city and beyond.
Stay Informed
Discussions and briefings with high profile leaders and experts deepen your understanding of today’s most pressing issues, build confidence in defending your values, and demonstrate how to make lasting change.
Boost Your Career
Through practical trainings and workshops, you’ll build skills and learn how to position yourself to advance in your career and become a decision-maker in the workplace.
Stay Connected
Unlock access to the Members-Only Facebook Group – a growing hive of active, civil, and curious citizens who help each other flourish – and gain strength in knowing you're not alone.
Get Active
Community Circle opportunities, monthly membership-wide days of action, and exploration of local issues open the door to dive deeper into your community and make an impact.
Up Your Skills
Build your skill sets in writing, activism, branding, and more with one professionally-led training event per quarter.
VIP Opportunities
Get access to coveted program spots at partner organizations and discounted or free tickets to conferences and events.
Exclusive Events
Hear from and connect national leaders, influencers, and experts at events exclusively for AF members.
Event Replay
Can't make the event? Don't worry, membership unlocks access to all past event recordings.
Brand Ambassador
Because what's a membership without some free swag?
Mastermind Groups
Advice and support from your peers will help you tackle your biggest challenges (coming soon!)
Subscriber Status
Discounted subscriptions to publications (coming soon!)
Local Impact
Deepen your involvement and connection to your community with ready-made event and project templates (coming soon!)
What Our Members Say
"Being a member of AF has given me the opportunity to network with like-minded individuals around the country, find opportunities for education and career advancement I never knew were out there, and enable me to make an impact on my community for the liberty movement. It's truly been a force multiplier for me, and for those around me."
"AF membership is the cathartic relief from being alone in my thoughts. AF feels like a group of helping mentors who can guide me to take responsible actions that will affect the world in a way that I want to see it grow into, and a future for me to help its future members in the same way."
"America’s Future has been so instrumental in my professional development! They offer a variety of events and workshops that tailor to members’ needs from participating in virtual discussions on pertinent issues to kickstarting careers. The AF community has been so welcoming, and I am elated that I can channel my activism efforts in my professional sphere."
Have Questions About The Program?
What Does AF Hope To Accomplish With This Membership?
We have a huge problem in our country. We’re slipping to tyranny and there is little to no local, liberty-based organizations or communities – in the civic or political sphere – that are addressing it. The liberty movement does great work on the state and federal level with policy and campaigns. However, when it comes to policy, politics, or culture change on the local level, we’ve ceded to those who believe more elitist control will solve our country’s problems. That has to change. We will achieve change by empowering AF members with the right tools, resources, knowledge, and relationships to make change a reality, regardless of where they live in the country, and regardless of whether they have an hour or 10 hours a month in their bandwidth. By building up lifelong advocates, supporting young leaders, and building robust communities that believe in freedom, we know we can turn the tide where it matters most.
Is The Membership Primarily Devoted To Civic Activism?
It depends on how you define “civic activism”. The membership is geared towards members making a difference by shifting culture towards liberty, and civic activism is a huge part of that. This could mean becoming better at messaging your beliefs, or building your professional skills sets to get that next promotion or better job. If you want to go as far as becoming a community organizer, running for office, or launching your own movement, we’re here for that too. Everyone’s bandwidth and interests are different. We’re here to support you no matter how you want to make a difference and how much time you have to do so.
What Does The In-Person Portion Of Membership Look Like?
At this time, the only in-person aspect to the membership is with our Hub Membership. Each Hub region has a Hub headquarters where we have in-person membership offerings. For the Northeast Hub, it’s Rhode Island. For the Southwest Hub, it’s Phoenix. For the Capital Area Hub, it’s Washington, D.C. To reach people anywhere they are in the country, however, our national membership programming and offerings are completely virtual for the moment. We are launching more Hubs and expanding national membership benefits in 2021, so stay tuned!
What’s A Good Way To Connect With Other Members?
We connect all members in our Members-Only Facebook group, and you will also receive a directory with your fellow members names and email addresses. Let us know if you want to test building this online community on other apps and platforms. We will also offer networking and relationship-building socials in the near future to help members connect!
How Can I Start An AF Chapter In My Region?
We’re not accepting applications to start Chapters at the moment. If you’re interested in getting more involved in your community with AF, the best way is to become a Community Circle Leader, completing Calls to Action, and brainstorming engagement opportunities with AF staff and other members. If you’re interested in being a part of a group to test AF grassroots, community, and leadership engagement roles, please contact
What Kind Of Topics Will Events Address?
All kinds! Issue education, skill building, motivational, and professional development are just some of the buckets we offer for member events. Essentially, we want to give you events and resources that actually matter to you and empower you to make a difference. Your feedback and ideas are crucial to ensuring we have the best content available for you.